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7 Important Things to Keep at Your Desk at Work

A lot of people like to keep a tidy desk to keep on task at work. After all, the less clutter there is, the easier it is to focus. But we’ve also learned over the years that it’s better to be prepared and a bit messy than unprepared with a clutter-free desk. 

Specifically, we’ve found there are seven items to keep at your work desk that might not sound obvious but will all come in handy more often than you would think. And today, we wanted to share them all with you!

1. Deodorant

We recommend keeping an extra stick of deodorant around for those days when you’re running late and have to race into work without time for a shower or to put on deodorant at home. It can be a lifesaver if you’re scheduled to meet with someone new and want to ensure you leave a solid first impression.

2. Multiple Beverages

Hopefully, we don’t need to be the ones to tell you that hydration is important. But, in our expert opinion, keeping a drink at your desk isn’t just about staying hydrated, it’s about being as prepared for the day ahead as possible. That’s why we think having multiple beverages at your disposal in addition to water is crucial.

Coffee and the energy boost it brings is an obvious one, especially in the morning. But if it is too late in the day for a cup of coffee, energy drinks are our favorite substitutes. Beyond the practical purposes, the variety will help keep things interesting throughout the day.

3. Back-Up Shirt or Jacket

You never know when you’ll need an extra layer or a change of clothes in the middle of the work day. Maybe someone in the office is running the AC colder than usual, and you need a warmer outfit. Maybe someone scheduled an impromptu meeting, and you need fancier attire. Or maybe you spill one of your extra beverages and need a clean shirt. Whatever the reason, you’ll want to keep a spare outfit at your desk.

4. Phone Charger and Phone Stand

Phones can be a distraction throughout the day, so investing in a charger to keep yours alive and a stand to keep it in your line of sight might sound counterintuitive. But, surprisingly, we’ve found that phone stands have made our mobile devices less distracting since we can just glance over to our displayed phone whenever we get notifications rather than pulling our devices out of our pockets or bags.

And let’s be honest, sometimes you just need a good distraction in the middle of the work day.

5. Emergency Snack

We’ve all worked days when it felt like we were too busy for lunch, or days when lunch just wasn’t enough to hold us over. That’s why most of us keep an “emergency snack” accessible, whether we find it in the office or bring one from home. It doesn’t have to be much, just enough to get a quick bit of food in our system to power us through the day when we need an extra pick-me-up.

6. Headphones

Headphones are the most diverse tool in your work arsenal. They’re there for you when you have a virtual meeting but don’t want to make too much noise, when you want to block out the noise and focus in on whatever you’re working on, and when you’re on break and want to watch a show or listen to a podcast. That’s why almost all of us bring in a pair of headphones to keep at our desk every day.

7. Tissues

We keep boxes of tissues stationed throughout our office, but a few of us also keep them on our desks. 

The extra tissues are especially valuable during allergy season, particularly in the Pacific Northwest, where the pollen count can skyrocket at a moment’s notice.

Those are just a few of our favorite at-work desk essentials. Again, there’s value in keeping a neat work station, but that doesn’t mean you should only keep the bare essentials at your desk. There are a bunch of extra things you can keep around that will make your work day easier, and we hope this list gave you a sense of how to stay prepared for everything in your office.